Where did October go? I guess we just completely forgot about it given the unusual warm weather throughout the month. We didn't have the usual Halloween temperature drop we've all come to expect. It actually was quite nice to see the costumes on the kids this year rather than their heavy winter coats. Our kids came in because their feet were worn out rather than frozen popsicle fingers like previous years. But the kids had a great time and we helped support our economy by buying, receiving, and eating candy. Hey, we all have to do our part, right?
Andrew as Frankenstein's monster, Allisan as a small German girl, and Anna as Cinderella.
We had plenty of opportunity to celebrate Halloween at work, church and the neighborhood
Kimberly couldn't help but dress up for the kid's Halloween parties at school.
Jeff, on the other hand, dressed as a boring engineer.
No wonder he didn't get any candy when trick or treating.
Angela dressed up as Allisan's twin sister from Germany.
Well, maybe not TWIN, but you see what I mean.