Monday, September 29, 2008

Bi-pedal Motion

Allisan has been taking her first walking steps for a number of days now.  However they've only been two or less before she stumbles to the floor.  So last night while watching Sunday night football, Allisan got fired up and took eight or nine steps across the floor before tumbling.  Although we don't know if she really intended to do it or not, she became much more assertive and began taking a number of three to four step journeys.  Granted, once we got the video camera on, she was starting to tire out and had to be tricked into doing it.  But here is one such adventure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there-
I love the cake that you made! It was great to see you in Oklahoma. I know we'll all miss Uncle Fran. I enojyed hearing the stories! I hope that we can keep in touch!